What Are You Really Looking For?
You are looking for someone who can help. You might call them a chief of staff, director of operations, or even an executive pastor. In fact, a pastor nearing the end of his rope, called us in desperation. He was asking for an executive pastor but was not in a place to hire one.
After hearing him out and diving into his situation we said he didn’t actually want an executive pastor. What he really wanted was someone to do human resources; someone to manage the books; someone to onboard volunteers and create a leadership pipeline; someone to run interference between them and their congregation; a friend; a counselor; and a brother. Admittedly, he agreed. At the end of the day, you do not merely want any coach or consultant; you simply want solutions.
We are not a silver bullet. But we do offer immediate and relevant solutions to your problems. At Second Chair Solutions YOUR VISION IS OUR MISSION.
We have been there before.
We know the struggle, and we know how to get you to where you want to be. Let us walk with you and your organization to get you from where you are to where you are supposed to be.

“Second Chair Solutions was a great encouragement to me, at a time when I needed it. Their advice concerning the structure and performance of our team was helpful and has led to some key changes we’ve made within the organization.”
“Second Chair Solutions has an uncanny ability to challenge the status quo and provide viable solutions for future advancement. Simply put, they are real, relevant, resourceful, and reliable.”
“Second Chair provided me with coaching that changed the way I view myself. They have a unique ability to examine a person or situation and inform you of the root issues and causes. This is not surface stuff. These are real-life issues that I dealt with personally and in my business. My coach helped develop a life plan for me, and his greatest asset to hold me accountable was the fact that everything he instructed me on he was doing himself. ”
“Second Chair was able to come in and help stabilize our staff and our finances. Stopping a 3 year financial loss and rebuilding a positive reputation in our community.”
“Having Second Chair come alongside during my transition into Lead Pastor was instrumental in our growth and stability. I am thankful for their partnership and continued friendship.”