What is Spiritual Direction?
“The task of the spiritual director is to be positioned, like a campfire in the wilderness, welcoming sojourners from all corners of life to stop, relax and yarn for a while. A place where tired bodies and spirits are warmed by the fire and refreshed. A friendly atmosphere where stories of the road are shared amongst travelers. The job of the spiritual director is to keep the fire burning because one never knows when a traveler will come to sit.”
– Sue Pickering in her book “Spiritual Direction”
While the practice of Spiritual Direction can sometimes be hard to define to those who have yet to experience it, Sue Pickering provides an excellent picture of what it is like.
Many come to find it one of the most impactful spaces in their life.
It becomes a space where the director and the directee listen to God together and notice where He has been present throughout their life. It’s a space where questions are asked and stories are told. Where someone’s “being” is the focus and not their “doing” – which is rare in our society today.
My own discovery of Spiritual Direction came at just the right time – even though I didn’t realize how crucial the timing would be.
It was in a season when I had spent myself for those around me. I was a “good worn out.” You know, like the kind you feel after a hard day of physical labor.
But this worn out was because of a year and a half of emotional, spiritual, and relational labor getting a new church started. And much like any entrepreneurial endeavor, it had been worth it, and yet very draining.
I didn’t feel empty. I was doing just fine. And yet I didn’t know how much I needed the space Spiritual Direction would create in my life until I was in that space...
It has sustained me thru potential “burn out.” It has given me space to see a way forward when I wouldn’t have otherwise. It has helped me reorient my everyday life in ways that make it more sustainable for my longevity. And it has transformed who I am in intangible ways that only develop in these spaces where we can turn off our need to perform.
Spiritual Direction has been a perfect fit for me. And others have found it has become a perfect fit for them as well.
Whether someone finds themselves needing
- discernment on a decision
- feeling stagnant in some way
- going through or having just gone through a major life transition
- deconstructing parts of their life
- exploring faith for the first time
- feeling lost or feeling overly confident
- just needing a space within the busyness of their life to set aside for just “being”
these and more tend to be reasons someone might seek direction.
So, if you would like to give Spiritual Direction a try, reach out and set up an initial call. Ask questions about it, get a taste for it, and see if it’s a fit for you in this season!
CLICK HERE to set up a call with Drew Anderson, one of our Spiritual Directors.