Checkers or Chess

It’s time to quit playing Checkers and learn to start playing Chess.

Too many of us living a reactionary life and running our organizations in the same way. Many of you are realizing that we have not been having “church.” Instead, we have been having “church services.” We have to look forward instead of looking back. With what is going on right now with quarantines, suggestions on gathering sizes, and new online/streaming services; we cannot merely hope that life will go back to normal in a few weeks. Our current interruption is not an “inclement weather day” where services will are canceled, so we then live stream and come right back the next week. If you are having trouble thinking through this, recall air travel pre-9/11 and post-9/11. Even after the fear, concern, and anxiety had subsided, people adjusted to a new normal.

Here is what is going to happen: People will get very used to not getting up and going to church on Sunday mornings. Whether this is singles, families, or the older generations; if people get in the habit of not going to church for eight weeks, do not expect them to automatically jump back into attending or serving. This thought process is the same when it comes to businesses, shopping, and other organizations. People will get used to having their groceries and their restaurant food delivered. People will get used to staying at home, slowing down a bit more, and hopefully washing their hands more.

My question is, what does the new normal look like for your organization? How can you adjust and pivot your practices while principally still staying on mission? Rather than only thinking through the current response, also start to think through the long term response for your organization.

If you need help talking through some of these things, don’t hesitate to reach out. Send us a text, and we’ll walk you through this in your context. 540.212.9487